Newsletter Week 5, Term 3

Tahuna School
School Newsletter
Learning for Life.

Newsletter Week 5, Term 3

Principal Comment
Tena koutou katoa,

I had the pleasure of teaching in Maungaturoto room and Endurance room recently. Both classrooms were a joy to teach and I was impressed with the ICARES values on display.

This week our teachers have finalised our new maths goals that will support implementing consistent school-wide processes that support our children to be aware of their achievement & learning. Again, I would like to thank our Deputy Principal Alana and our teachers for their collaboration on creating this new schoolwide learning tool to ensure our children can develop their understanding of where they are at in their maths and what maths skills they need to learn next. We are also working on our new reading goals and we look forward to sharing these with our children.

Classroom Awards
The following children have been working hard in class and have been rewarded with a classroom award. 

Endeavour – Sass and Stella
Endurance – Marty and Jane
Maungaturoto – Jayden and Skye
Discovery – Xavier

Congratulations to our children who received an ICARES Values card.

Arlo (respect) You were so kind and caring towards Cooper when he was feeling unwell.
Leah (integrity) Helping Isiah when he was hurt.
Heath (integrity) Being brave enough to share his writing with the class.
Anna (integrity) Sharing her descriptive sports writing with the class! Great variation of sentence lengths too – You had us hooked.
Caitlin (integrity) Sharing her writing with others. This takes confidence and pride.
Toby (ambition) Trying so hard in maths!
Jurious (respect) For swapping the balls with the dodgeball player so they won’t get hurt.
Lottie (encourage) You always make sure that people have friends to play with. You are so kind and caring.

The box winners were Lakaia, Hailee and Sofia. Super work girls!

Parent Conferences
These were held last week and Maungturoto had their make-up parent conferences yesterday. It was fantastic to see so many parents and children present. We would like to thank all of those who were able to make it.

House Sports Day & Daffodil Day
Our house event is on Friday and starts at 11am. We are doing sack races, obstacle course, tug of war and Rob the nest. All are welcome to attend. On this day we will be supporting Daffodil Day through a gold coin donation. Please bring your gold coin donation to the school office.

Reminder – Exciting Event
We have an exciting Roald Dahl dress up day on Tuesday the 13th of September. On the same day we will have a grandparents/family day and the Book Fair (view and buy books) The event will start at 10.45am. More information will be sent out closer to the date. 

Morrinsville Intermediate Enrolment Visit 
Jenny Clark the principal of Morrinsville Intermediate and a group of current students visited our Year 6 children on the 16th August. Jenny and the students shared their positive experiences about their school. It was really cool to see Zoe and Hunter who are past students of our school.

Livestock Day
All livestock day and group day trophies to be returned to the office please. Thanks for the trophies that have been returned. Spot prizes for livestock day – if you are keen for your business to provide spot prizes for our livestock day contact Leasa Craw.

Miniball Report

Tahuna Avengers have been having incredible games of Miniball for their first season! They work well as a team, sharing the ball amongst all team members, and giving everyone a shot at the hoop! Their defense is just as intense too!. This week they won (very humbly) 44-2 against David Street. We have had many positive comments about this team from spectators and the organisers.

Tahuna Marvels (Year 5-6) have had some tough competition. With some close losses and a win by 22 points. They have been developing their lay-up skills with Nick Kraenzlin – Thanks Nick! 

Jump Jam
Our Jump Jam leaders are practicing the jump jam dances with Miss I’Anson. Jump Jam will start school wide in week 6. Exciting times ahead!

Donate a calf Fundraiser
We haven’t done this for years but we are wanting to get it back up and running as it was a great fundraiser for the school.

If anyone is interested in donating a 100kg calf to Tahuna School, It’s nice and simple! All you have to do is get a Tahuna tag from the school office, put it in the calf’s ear and when you send some calves off to the yards, send it along with them.
Tell them what it’s for and that’s it! 😀

If you are interested, Please get in contact with Stacey on 0211067256 Thank you!

Gumdrop Fundraising
Gumdrops will be delivered on Thursday. We will need parent help to sort these. If you are able to help please contact Brylee on 0279318406.

We would love to thank the following businesses for your support of Tahuna School by displaying your ad in our newsletter – ASL Andy Smith Ltd, Redi Plumbing, Tahuna Electrical, Gavins, Tahuna Gas, Bayleys -Mike Fraser-Jones, Allen’s United, McMillian Electrical Solutions,
Lehmann Building Ltd, Te Hoe HomeKills Ltd and Morrinsville Decor. We do have a couple of
spaces available in our newsletter. If you would like to advertise your business please contact
the school office.

Ngaa mihi
Phillip and Staff

Young Authors Day

                   By Antalya, Caitlin and Emerson.

The school is paid by a local farming family to place day old chicks in sheds on their free range broiler farm. Then farm is located 5 minutes from the school. You just need to turn up as you are and place chickens from bread trays into the sheds. The more helpers we get – the quicker the job is. Usually it’s less than 20 minutes to place a full shed, depending on how many people turn up.
We have chicken placements coming up in September and need helpers on the following days:
Tuesday 6th September: 1x big shed at 8.30am and 2x small sheds – time TBA
Thursday 8th September: 2 big sheds, one at 8.15am and the next at 9.45am.
Friday 9th September 1x big shed – time TBA.
We will send out text reminders. If you are able to help on any of the above days then please text Laura van Hellemond on 021 197 4447 with your name and what sheds/days you can help with.
If you are new to the school and would like further information on this fundraiser, please see Emma at reception or contact Laura on 021 197 4447. Thanks!
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