Newsletter Week 9, Term 2

Tahuna School
School Newsletter
Learning for Life.


Newsletter Week 9 Term 2
Principal’s Comment

It is great to see most of our children back from illnesses this week. It has been a challenging few weeks and I have been a super proud principal by the collective effort of all our children, staff, parents and community.

The triennial board elections are coming up soon and this is a very exciting opportunity for our school. Please see the information below. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Board Elections
Why join a school board?

School board members are active leaders in our schools. They have an important role of supporting strong professional leadership and ensuring effective teaching for all students through informed governance.

Parents/caregivers and people in the wider community can be parent representatives. School boards need to represent the diversity of their school communities to ensure a bright future for all our children.

The school board elections are the opportunity to vote for candidates who will make a positive difference for children’s education. We need more people willing to use their skills and experiences for the benefit of students!


“Board members are entrusted by the community to ensure the success of our schools and a bright future for our children. We need an education system where all children are expected to succeed and one where we all take shared responsibility in ensuring this happens. As a member of a school board you can make things happen – you can make a difference.” – Lorraine Kerr, NZSTA President

For more helpful information go to 

Parent and Staff elections
Close Main roll – Wednesday, 6th July 2022
Call for Nominations by – Friday, 8th July 2022
Close Supplementary Roll – Monday, 1st August 2022
Nominations Close (at 12pm) – Wednesday, 3rd August 2022
Voting Papers Issued by – Wednesday, 10th August 2022
Election Day – Wednesday, 7th September 2022
Close Poll – 4pm on election day
Accept Postal Votes – Monday, 12th September 2022
Count Votes – Tuesday, 13th September 2022

Last week we celebrated Matariki through interactive and creative activities. These were Matariki stars, kites, wharenui arts and rakau games. All of our children enjoyed these activities and we look forward to planning a celebration Matariki event next year.

Calender Art
The children have been working hard at completing their calendar art. It’s a wonderful opportunity to turn your child’s picture into unique products! Endeavour children’s art is displayed and can be viewed in Endeavour Class. Please pop down to school and check out your child’s outstanding artwork. Discovery, Maungaturoto and Endurance children’s artwork can be viewed on Seesaw next week.  

Mid-Year Reports
Our revamped mid-year reports will show where the child is at in their learning for reading, writing and maths in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum levels, reference to our ICARE Values 2022, other learning areas, student goals, general comment and attendance. Your child’s report will go home with them on the 8th July. 

Parent conferences will be held in early Term 3 to discuss your child’s mid-year report with their teacher. The booking information will come out to you next week.

Hi, I’m Tayla from Discovery. Last term I got the opportunity to submit some artwork to the amazing Toitoi magazine/book company.
To sum it up this is a company that supports young writers and artists, these books are filled with wonderful stories, poems and more. Pages popping with excitement.
I got accepted to have an illustration in the new issue, issue 28. I’m so grateful this has happened to me, the school, and my family. I’m looking forward for all of you to see the new issue next term!

Congratulations Tayla, we look forward to seeing your illustration and we are so proud!

Thank you
Thanks to the Giddy family for donating a scooter and a helmet for our children to use on wheels day.


Tahuna Proud ‘Learning for life’

Ngaa Mihi
Phillip and Staff

Last week the children celebrated Matariki through interactive and creative activities!

Calendar Art 
The children have been working hard at completing their calendar art. It’s a wonderful opportunity to turn your child’s picture into unique products! Endeavour children’s art is displayed and can be viewed in Endeavour Class. Please pop down to school and check out your child’s outstanding artwork. Discovery, Maungaturoto and Endurance children’s artwork can be viewed on Seesaw next week. The pricing is stated on the order form below. Feel free to contact the office to go ahead with placing an order. Alternatively the order forms will be sent out on the 8th of July 2022. This gives our parents/caregivers a couple of weeks to view the artwork! All orders need to be in by 23rd of August 2022. Thank you! 

Friends of School ran an oxford pie fundraiser and what a spectacular turn-out! Thanks to all those who bought pies, we really appreciate your support! and a big thank to our friends of school helpers for arranging the pies to be ready for pick up. Well done!

If you are new to the school, or interested to see what it’s all about, please let us know. Many hands really do make light work. You can contact any one of our members (Andrew Kay, Anna Mohring, Brylee Budd, Charlotte Giddy, Sarah Barlow and Stacey Williams along with our Principal Phillip Otto),  enquire at the office or come along to our next meeting Thursday 7th July at 1pm. We look forward to seeing some new (or familiar) faces.

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